According to his parents as he is growing he is becoming a lot more fun, with lots of smiles and gurgles. The family is on a "round the country trip" at the moment as their house renovations have commenced. This means that they will come up visit Nana this month allowing me lots more opportunities for cuddles and photos etc. Things are certainly easier than the "old days" with the ability to rent car seats and other baby bits without having to go out and buy everything from scratch - Isn't the internet wonderful.
Ian in the meantime has been doing a bit of travel around Italy over the last few weeks. Knowing that his time there is coming to an end triggers the desire to go and see all those places we had planned to go. A downside of the expat lifestyle is that the intention to "do" the tourist thing often gets overridden by the need to meet work requirements. Projects tend to be very demanding with 12 plus hours per day including weekend work - which limits the time available to actually get out and see the country you are in. Usually this means that just before we are demobilized it is a mad panic to try and see the primary things on our "to do" list. That said, I think we have more or less decided that once we retire we will need to go back and see all the places we had on our lists and have missed.