We set off early on Saturday morning to visit Ubrique.....our previous visit to this lovely village was unplanned and our arrival at 4(ish) on a Saturday afternoon had shown a very quiet little town which was closed down for the weekend. As we had been told about the wonderful leather produced here, we wanted to visit when the shops would be open. Once again, the trip through this area of Spain was beautiful, but the narrow, steep and very windy road took serious concentration on the part of the driver. We finally arrived about 2 hours after leaving home - but in plenty of time for some serious shopping. Ubrique, unlike many of the other white villages we had viewed, was actually set down in a long narrow valley, rather than sitting high, often on the side of a very steep cliff.
Whilst its situation was different, the design of the town was based on the traditional town square and the main street. We arrived at about 11.30am - early for the Spanish timetable - so the main street seemed pretty empty with most of the little cafes closed. The walk along the main street ended at a "T" junction where we found the shops and boutiques the town is famous for. Ian, as those that know him will agree, is part of that male group who do not like shopping.......and "Puts Up With It" when all excuses have totally failed (about once a year). By the end of approx one hour looking through leather shops which sold everything from the usual wallets, purses, bags and coats to leather umbrellas, shoes, card packs, ashtrays etc etc etc, Ian had converted into a major shopper (at least for that one day)
His aim was to buy a belt. He succeeded in buying 1 belt, 1 wallet, 1 coat.....and a few bits and pieces for me. Not bad for an avowed nonshopper. This is definitely one place we will have to take Dad and Mum to when they visit later in the year.
Walking back down main street was like we were in a different town. The traditional Spanish lunch hour had arrived and as is the norm in most Spanish towns, the families were out having their social weekend lunch time. The place was packed.
The empty mail was now filled with cafe tables and chairs, kids, parents and grandparents. Only trouble was, we were unable to find an empty table....so time to head out of town.
The trip home via a different route took us past another beautiful white village - this time straddling a cliff top - stretched out over quite a distance. Whilst we were looking over at it the sun rays came through the clouds to light the cliff top off and spectacularly show of this scene.
A wonderful day with beautiful scenery. And just think I get to do it all again in a couple of weeks when I go back to pick up the coat Ian ordered for me.