The big event for this year was the wedding of our son Anthony to his lovely partner Jenny. This occasion occurred on the 22nd September on a wonderful spring day in Melbourne Australia. I suppose we got the easy end of the day. Being the grooms parents meant a fairly relaxed day, with our responsibilities confined to making sure the suits were ready, shirts ironed, shoes cleaned and the guys fed before the big event. As we were overseas our pre-wedding jobs were also light on as Jenny and Anthony with the help of Jen's parents had everything planned beautifully.
It was a great day with family and friends from England, Scotland, South Australia and of course Victoria (and Spain obviously) all joining the bride and groom celebrate their day. Whilst Nana and Pa Selway were able to make the day, unfortunately Gran and Pa Berki missed the event with Pa having major surgery a few days earlier. However, our trip back did provide us with the opportunity to catch up with them and help out a bit with hospital visits and making sure Gran had everything she needed whilst watching over Pa. Daughter Lauren was a great help taking on a house full of visitors, acting as usher and reader at the wedding and generally keeping everything sane for the month we were back in Australia.
The reception was held at the Park Hyatt in the city and was great, with the speeches by Anthony's mates, Simon (Jen's Dad) and Anthony being amongst some of the best. Jenny looked wonderful, the bridesmaid were lovely and the guys did pretty good on the appearance front as well. Altogether a terrific day (even if it did seem a long time coming) and Ian and I could not be happier in welcoming Jenny officially into the family (mind you she has been accepted as part of the family for quite some time).
After 4 weeks of excitement and emotion, it was time to get back on the planes for the long haul back. Due to work Ian flew straight through to Spain whilst I took the opportunity to stop over and have another week in Kuala Lumpur as it was my last chance to see everyone for this year. Another great week and then time for a rest back in Spain
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